MSP Week Digital Contest

  • 1.  November 5th trivia answer

    Posted 11-06-2024 18:56

    I had actually answered this yesterday under the November 4th trivia question so am submitting it again under the correct heading now. 


    Jodi Schaan CPCS, CPMSM
    Medical Staff Coordinator
    dakotAMSS President
    Rugby, ND

  • 2.  RE: November 5th trivia answer

    Posted 11-07-2024 08:13

    Hi Jodi,

    Thank you for your participation! Please be sure you submit the answer each day directly in the form, as these threads are not captured the same way. 

    Feel free to email us at with any questions!

    Kind regards,

    Allison Isch
    NAMSS Education & Operations Manager
    Washington, DC
    (202)367-2310 |